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  • What is Tapbuy?

    Tapbuy is a SaaS checkout solution that offers the best shopping experience to your customers and boosts your sales.

    Our solution intervenes from the moment shoppers validate their cart until the choice of payment method.

  • How does Tapbuy work?

    Tapbuy connects to the e-commerce platform via a connector and your API, and works as follows:


    When a customer adds products to their shopping cart, Tapbuy synchronizes information about the products and the user in real-time via your API. 

    These data (photos, product name, price, description, attributes, etc.) are then reformatted within the Tapbuy shopping funnel. Customers can then buy through a simple, smooth and 100% mobile-optimized checkout.

    Order and customer information are directly returned into the merchant’s e-commerce system.

    The merchant maintains the customer relationship and processes the order as usual.

    The retailer activates Tapbuy via Tapbuy URL links, generated from existing product URL’s. When a user clicks on a Tapbuy link, the Tapbuy purchase funnel is triggered from the discovery platform. The retailer can also decide to use the Tapbuy shopping funnel directly on his retail site. Tapbuy is then generally triggered at the ‘add-to-cart’ stage. The user is transparently redirected to the Tapbuy purchase funnel

    On the publisher side, Tapbuy allows bloggers and all content sites to trigger an optimized shopping experience directly from publisher platforms.

  • Is Tapbuy secure?

    Security is our top priority. The entire Tapbuy experience is encrypted by a 2048 bit key from start to finish. All our communications are based on secure SSL transactions between our servers and those of our merchant partners. Banking data is stored and processed by PCI DSS level 1 certified services.

  • Does Tapbuy work on desktop?

    Yes, Tapbuy offers an optimized purchasing experience that works on all devices (desktop, tablet and smartphone).

  • With which ecommerce platforms is Tapbuy compatible?

    Tapbuy offers connectors to platforms like Prestashop, Magento, Salesforce commerce cloud, Hybris, SAP, Adobe Commerce Cloud, etc. We integrate new platforms everyday, don’t hesitate to ask us if you can’t find your partner. 

    We can also connect Tapbuy to proprietary platforms via retailer API’s.

  • Can I customize Tapbuy’s checkout?

    Yes, you will be able to personalize your checkout to your brand and graphic chart, in collaboration with our design team.

  • Does Tapbuy allow multi-product carts ?

    Yes, Tapbuy allows your customers to add multiple products to the cart of a single retailer.

  • Which shipping methods does Tapbuy offer?

    Tapbuy works with the main shipping solutions (chronopost, colissimo, Fedex, UPS, DHL, Mondial Relay, Relais Colis…) and can add new options depending on your needs.

  • Which payment methods does Tapbuy offer?

    Tapbuy works with the main payment service providers (ingenico, cybersource, HiPay, adyen, Paypal, Mollie, Checkout.com, Worldline, Stripe…), as well as alternative payment methods (Apple pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Alma, Klarna, Afterpay, Scalapay, Affirm…).

  • Does Tapbuy process the payments?

    No, Tapbuy does not handle payments. We connect directly to your existing payment processor.

  • Is payment on Tapbuy secure?

    Yes, all bank details are stored and processed by PCI-DSS level 1 certified payment providers.

    Payments are handled directly by payment service providers (PSP), Tapbuy does not store any payment information. If the payment is made on our checkout (e.g. by credit card), the input fields are in hosted field mode to comply with PCI-DSS.

  • Who handles fulfillment, shipping, returns, and customer service?

    The retailer continues to manage the order and the customer relationship. All returns, cancellations and tracking are managed as usual by the retailer’s customer service.

  • How does reporting work with Tapbuy?

    Tapbuy provides secured access to a backend platform where you will find all statistics on Tapbuy’s checkout activity (number of orders, conversion rate, etc.).

  • Will I continue to collect my data through my own analytics tools?

    Yes, all your checkout-related data will still be available on your analytics tools. Our Analytics team will make a copy of your tagging plan to make sure we don’t impact your data.

  • How many countries are you available in, and which ones?

    We are available in over 50 countries in Europe, North America and Australia. And we’ll soon be in Asia and the Middle East, in the short to medium term.

  • Which languages are supported?

    We currently support the following languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch. Support for Asian and Arabic languages is in progress.

  • How does Tapbuy integration work?

    Integration work and time can vary, depending on the technical complexity and the availability of your team. After the technical integration and the User Acceptance Testing Phase, we’ll proceed to an AB test, taking progressively more of your traffic on our checkout.

    Please contact us to know more.

  • Which teams will be involved?

    Your technical team will be involved, especially the product owner and developers in charge of the project. 

  • How is the solution maintained?

    Our algorithm updates 20,000 times a year your checkout to ensure all mobile configurations to your customers (device, OS, screen sizes, browsers, etc.).

    Our technical team is focused on improving the user experience, by monitoring and implementing new consumer trends on checkout, and automatically testing the product daily to make sure it’s working properly.

  • Is it necessary to maintain my checkout?

    Once Tapbuy is 100% implemented, you won’t need to maintain your own checkout. We’ll manage all the necessary updates and additional features you might want to add.

  • What happens if I change providers?

    Our solution adapts to over 150 e-commerce partners, including all the major players on the market. In the event of a change of provider, simply inform our team at least 1 month in advance, so that we can make the necessary connections to ensure a smooth service.

  • Is it possible to include promotional messages in my checkout?

    It is possible to add promotional offers, temporarily or permanently, according to your needs (free delivery, outlet coming soon…).

  • Where is the solution hosted?

    Our data is hosted on a Google Cloud infrastructure in Belgium.

  • How much does Tapbuy cost?

    Our pricing is based on a success fee: a percentage of the additional revenue generated by Tapbuy.

    To know more about our pricing, please contact us directly.

  • How is the additional revenue calculated?

    Additional revenue is calculated as follows:

    AR = (Tapbuy conversion rate – Client reference conversion rate) * number of tunnel clicks * average basket

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